Everybody Loves The Sunshine / exhibition art-print
The one song I drift toward when the Summer sun arrives is Roy Ayers' 'Everybody Loves The Sunshine'. The laid back soulful melody and relaxed lyrical delivery sum up happy day-times spent outdoors soaking up the rays, surrounded by nature and warmth. It's been sampled and covered countless times, but the version by trumpeter Takuya Kuroda is my personal favourite, clocking in at over nine minutes of perfectly drawn-out jazz music.
This illustration is my response to that song. I leaned towards a warm colour palette inspired by 70s flower patterned artwork. Flowers are in abundance, many with happy or cheeky faces, surrounding and glancing at a naked couple rolling around. Bees buzz about and central sunshine shape radiates outwards to the edges of the composition.
The artwork was in the Sussex Contemporary Illustrators & Printmakers exhibition 'The Vinyl Show' and I've released a limited print-run too.
“My life, my life, my life, my life in the sunshine
Everybody loves the sunshine
Sunshine, everybody loves the sunshine
Sunshine, folks get down in the sunshine
Sunshine, folks get ‘round in the sunshine
Just bees and things and flowers”